Imagine a world where we no longer have design templates; what would happen? We won’t use Mobile Design System and its counterpart, right? So, what’s the future of mobile design systems? Check it out now!
Today’s 21st century has said it all! The design is different, and the so-called Gen Z generation is bringing creativity to its peak. With that, the mobile system is at its peak without limiting your application. While a lot of people might think UI design operates in a simple context, it’s far beyond that.
Mobile design in 2022 and beyond isn’t about making an effort to market an app better. It’s about the design system you create. In fact, your tools, core components, and how to make your design project easier with a huge library are essential. Gone are the days when UI design operates on the first generation of Adobe Photoshop.
Now, AdobeXD, Figma, and Sketch, among others, have made the designer’s job easier. We can create what we imagined in a blink of an eye. But still, inefficiencies abound in our everyday workflow. Some of the design templates we have still got us stuck, thereby leaving us to find our full potential.
However, it’s time to get up and create a new generation of UI tools. At least there are technical and functional benefits to implementing the best design practices. How do you think it will affect the future design systems and UI kits?
Left for me, technology is constantly evolving, and we are adapting to make use of it to increase our mobile design. What do you think about the future of mobile design systems and UI kits? How will Mobile UI kits and Mobile wireframe kits improve the business of designs? Let’s quickly explain some of the technical and functional benefits before we proceed to the future of mobile design.
Easier App Interaction for Users
With the new Mobile Design System or Mobile UI kits, it’s easy to see why the future of design is magical. To win while making an app, you need to promote its user experience and add good design formatting to its layout.
Of course, you can achieve this through strategic planning and also enhancing your app functionality and visuals. Some of the design trends you should follow and implement includes the following;
● New visual app design (Retro inspiration, minimalism, Geometric arts, Digital Illustration)
● New futuristic app design system (face ID, bottomless designs,
● Interactive app design (engaging swapping experience, augmented reality in UI)
● Technical app design system (Animation & video, chatbots & voice user interface, data visualization)
Better Capabilities of Making Brighter Colors
Designers are getting more technically smart and leveraging mobile technology innovation. With that in mind, you should make brighter colors in your UI design. Besides, some phones have OLED displays, making it better to implement your design system with better, bold, and more powerful colors.
Making Data Visualization Fun
Making data visualization fun enhances your design system, and it’s one of your future plans. As we grow, the bar charts, pie charts, and other things we used in high school come back. Here, we add some analytics and make a unique graph with subtle animations to make data relevant for users.
The future will see a unique type of visuals and graphs, making data and graphs look immersive for users. So, we no longer have a boring visual format. But, to achieve this, it’s always better we improve our digital design skills and use Mobile Design System or Mobile UI kits if possible.
Since designers need a better way to provide full design capabilities, a tool that unites code editing and development is crucial. In 2013, we saw major changes and transformations whereby billions of smartphones were shipped.
But today, the UI/UX designs of apps and website has increased. And in the near future, there will be more smartphones than people worldwide. So, what’s the future of mobile design systems? Here’s what we have for you!
Mobile Design System
This design has every component made with proper constraints for developers. It’s easy to drag, drop, and even effective without limiting your creativity. It is made with inspiration from web design systems, and you can enjoy the result that comes out of it. Also, it includes over 200 responsive components, making it easier for starters to build any project with it.
Testing or Fixing Method Will Become Easier
The future of mobile design systems will free developers from concentrating more on fixing or testing the APIs and JavaScript. Since it’s going to cater to real data testing, designers can navigate the use of edge-case not only that, but we can now stress test in various states, matching up with diverse data to see how it performs.
Unlimited Developer Tools and Browser Extension
Since we are in a world where technology is a major trend and evolving, you should expect unlimited developer tools and third-party browser extensions. This way, the work-life in HTML and CSS will be readily available in the design phase. Additionally, these tools will be more valuable for creating and testing production than the ready-made plugins on Sketch, Figma, and AdobeXD.
Mock-ups Won’t Be Useful
Since mock-ups are a waste of resources, who would want to do that again? I’m sure no one will! And in the future of mobile design systems, Webflow has done away with it, giving advocates for a responsive and interactive prototype. So, in this case, mock-ups will become obsolete, and designers will be able to build layouts for wide screens and create an artboard for every scenario.
Does UI/UX Design System Have a Future?
The answer to this question is yes! The mobile design system has a future. Tools are emerging rapidly as a new way to change or upgrade the user experience space. This has been possible with new technologies like smart speakers, voice assistants, and virtual reality.
Moreover, today’s design tends to focus on screens and displays with a future focus on augmented reality. So the process of blending beautiful designs with seamless user experience is one thing that would be beneficial in the industry. We are not expecting the demand to go away any time soon.
Moreover, desktop and mobile user experiences are not going away, and we continue to grow as new technologies emerge. As we look ahead, UI/UX designs will create multiple skill sets and communicate meaningful and functional experiences. Take the iPhone interface as an example; what do you think?
Every now and then, you see Apple bringing a new dimension to iPhone, increasing the design and user experience. So, there is a lot of potential with voice assistants, integration, and digital innovation.
Final Verdict
With the likes of Mobile Design systems, Mobile UI kits, Mobile wireframe kits, design templates, and passwordless authentication features dictate how the future of mobile design systems would be. The primary goal is to stay updated as a designer and evolve with new technologies. This way, we gain hard skills and knowledge to become successful UI/UX designers.