
Welcome to müse v.1.1.0 👋

In this documentation we'll walk you through all information and tips you might need to get the most out of the template.

Folder / File Structure

Once downloaded, unzip the compressed folder and you’ll see something like this:

                Muse Multipurpose Template/
|--- assets/
|    |--- css
|    |--- img
|    |--- js
|    |--- scss
|    |--- svg
|    |--- vendor
|--- design sources
|    |--- Documentation
|    |--- Figma
|    |--- Sketch
|--- documentation
|--- html
|    |--- blog
|    |--- pages
|    |--- templates
|--- snippets
|--- favicon.ico
|--- gulpfile.js
|--- package.json
|--- package-lock.json